Michelle Smith Casting Ltd

T: 0161 439 6825
Email for Clients & Agents: office@michellesmithcasting.co.uk *
Email for Actors: enquiries@michellesmithcasting.co.uk *

Please note no actors cv's/showreels/e-mail will be seen if sent to office@michellesmithcasting.co.uk.
All actors must use the enquiries@michellesmithcasting.co.uk e-mail address.


Please contact us using the form below or email us at: enquiries@michellesmithcasting.co.uk

Actors showreel
submission guidelines

We are happy to accept showreel submissions from actors provided they are submitted in common media formats.

We accept: Standard Definition MP4, AVI and MOV files. *

Please also include your full name, address, contact telephone number and/or email address along with your CV and Spotlight PIN.

Please ensure showreels are around five minutes or under in length.

We accept showreels submitted via popular file sharing services such as Dropbox, WeTransfer and YouSendIt. If emailing us your showreel, please send it to enquiries@michellesmithcasting.co.uk

We will not be able to provide you with feedback on your showreel but may keep it on file.

By sending us your showreel you agree to the terms above.